The National Assembly Elected Four Members of the Anti-Corruption Agency Board

ASK 20.07.2017.

The National Assembly elected four members of the Anti-Corruption Agency Board on July 20. At the proposal of the President of the Republic, Aleksandar Vučić, the National Assembly elected a docent at the Faculty of Law of the University of Belgrade, Miloš Stankovic, as member of the Board. The retired judge of the Supreme Court of Serbia Slobodan Gazivoda was elected at the proposal of the Supreme Court of Cassation. Docent at the Faculty of Economics at the University of Niš Jelena Stankovic was elected at the proposal of the State Audit Institution, and at the proposal of the Social and Economic Council, Ivan Kovačević, General Director of the Joint Stock Company for Culture, Education, Publishing and Marketing "Djuro Salaj" Belgrade was elected as member of the Anti-Corruption Agency Board.