The Report on the Implementation of the Law on Financing of Political Activities by the Slovenian Expert Jurij Toplak

ASK 07.09.2016.

flag_yellow_low-300x300 Serbia has made a major progress in political finance over the past few years. Legislation in place largely meets international committments and enables free expression of political opinions through donations and spending. Transparency and efficiency, however, can always be improved. I wish that Serbia continues increasing efficiency and transparency by permanently improving its political finance rules and processes – stated in his report the Slovenian expert Jurij Toplak that had visited Serbia at the end of May 2016 as part of the TAIEX (TAIEX is the Technical Assistance and Information Exchange instrument of the European Commission). The Mission, that was organized with the aim of obtaining qualitative and quantitative analysis of the effects of the implementation of the Law on Financing of Political Activities, had special emphasis on the sanctioning policy and conduct of all relevant institution in this field. This important activity is envisaged by the Action Plan for Chapter 23.