The Agency Presented a Model for Security Information Assessment within the Draft Integrity Plan Framework in Brussels

ASK 19.06.2017.

At the conference that was held in Brussels on June 15, 2017, in organization of the Regional School of Public Administration ( ReSPA ) in cooperation with the European Commission, the results achieved by ReSPA for the past seven years of their work were presented. In front of the Anti-Corruption Agency, the conference was attended by Dragana Krunić and Jasmina Stevanović, members of the ReSPA Network for Ethics and Integrity.

Among other things, the conference presented the results of the comparative study "Abuse of Information Technologies for the Purpose of Corruption" with the accompanying list of control issues (check-lists) for the security of information in the institution, that was created through cooperation of the ReSPA Ethics Network and integrity and networks for E-government. The recommendation of the study was that institutions dealing with the prevention of corruption in the countries that are members of the ReSPA should include this checklist in their standards for assessing the risks of corruption in the field of information security.

Serbia was the first of the ReSPA member countries that did this, and Dragana Krunić presented the way in which the Anti- Corruption Agency institutionalized the aforementioned checklist.