Study Visit to Italy

ASK 12.04.2017.

flag_yellow_lowWithin the Twinning Project “Prevention and Fight against Corruption“ representatives of the Anti-Corruption Agency visited Italy. On that occassion they got insight into the competences of the National Anti-Corruption Authority, Agency for Digital Italy as well as National Institute for Social Care of the Republic of Italy, with a particular emphasis on IT solutions used by these institutions, which might serve as the best practice examples for the improvement of the work of the Anti-Corruption Agency. Italian colleagues presented their experiences in the area of acting upon complaints, IT security policy, conflict of interest as well as control of public contracts.   Since July 2016 the Anti-Corruption Agency has been implementing two-year Twinning Project in cooperation with the National Anti-Corruption Authority, Ministry of Justice and Higher School of the Judiciary of the Republic of Italy as well as General Prosecutor's Office of the Kingdom of Spain. This project is funded by the European Union. Italija01 Italija02