
The delegation of the Republic of Serbia is attending the Plenary Meeting of the Group of States Against Corruption of the Council of Europe (GRECO) in Strasbourg, from June 17–21. 2024. The First Compliance Report of the Republic of Serbia within the Fifth Evaluation Round was discussed and adopted at the meeting. This round of evaluation refers to the prevention of corruption and promotion of integrity in central government bodies (top executive functions) and law enforcement bodies.

Information about the actions and initiatives carried out by the Republic of Serbia from the adoption of the first evaluation report until the present was provided during the meeting. It was emphasized that The Presidency of the Republic of Serbia, the Government, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the Agency for Prevention of Corruption, have all expressed their readiness to take action and implement the recommendations of GRECO, which will be given top priority in the near future. The Republic of Serbia intends to deliver the next report by the end of December 2025. 

The plenary session was attended by the Head of Delegation, Mr Dejan Damnjanović, Director of the Agency for Prevention of Corruption and Mrs Bojana Šćepanović, the State Secretary of the Ministry of Justice, Mr Veljko Odalović, Acting Secretary of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Mr Mihajlo Živković, Advisor to the Government, Mrs Milica Pavlović, Advisor in the Ministry of Justice, Mrs Marija Baltić, Senior Advisor in the Agency for Prevention of Corruption, Mr Milan Pejčić, Head of the Department for Coordination of Planning and Planning of Internal Affairs.